How I waited until it was too late to Delegate

Delegation is an important skill any and all law firm owners must master if they hope to grow their law firm, be able to serve more clients, or gain some of their time back.

In law school we learned how to do everything perfectly ourselves. But, when it comes to running a law firm, to be successful, you must learn to utilize team members.

But utilizing team members means giving up control. And giving up control can be hard and scary process for many law firm owners. I started my law practice late 2016. By late 2018 we had team 10 team members. By late 2019, we grew to 40 team members! Once we started to hit 15 team members, I started to drown. I was the chokehold for many of the day-to-day decision making. I was trying to go to court, do deposition, manage the law firm and make strategic decisions, all at once!

I quickly learned the way I manage a 10-person law firm is not going to fly if we kept growing. I needed a new structure. And to build a new structure, I had to really master the art of delegation. I began to practice delegation immediately and within a few months, we had a scalable infrastructure in place. And believe it or not, we had more clients and team members, yet I had more free time and sanity than ever in my legal career!

I give you the 7-step method for law firm delegation in my free guide below. Download it now to check out how to delegate tasks in your law firm.

How an administrative error sent me across town to the wrong deposition address


What are the best tasks a law firm should delegate?