How to know if your legal team is doing tasks you’ve delegated… before it’s too late

One of the biggest reasons we as law firm owners don’t delegate is the fear that someone else is not going to do the task when they’re supposed to or won’t do as good of a job.

What if I told you that I have a team of nearly 40 people who all work remote and I can know how any one team member or any one tasks if being performed at any given minute?

Yes, it’s possible!

You can have certainty that certain tasks are getting done and that they’re getting done correctly. How I built that will take longer than this blog post, but you can start using the “Everyone must have a number method.”

If you downloaded our Ultimate Delegation Guide, you will know that everyone must have a number.

For example, in our law firm we get paid when opposing counsel takes our client’s deposition. We need to prepare a petition and have the court sign off on it.

One month I noticed that we hadn’t received any income from deposition petitions and I had no idea why. I asked around and found out that our attorney had not been filing our deposition petitions with the court! We had a backlog of close to 25 deposition petitions sitting around!

After my initial yelling and screaming (at home to myself, not to my employee), I calmly told our attorney the importance of getting those filed. But, I took it even a step further.

I created a weekly number for that task. And that number was 0. Meaning, the goal for that week was to have 0 pending deposition fee petitions.

At the end of the week, I had our team report to me how many deposition petitions were filed with the court, how many were approved, and how many were pending.

All of a sudden I now had absolute certainty about whether our deposition petitions were getting filed or not. And my team knew they had to report it to me, so it was top of mind for them.

By giving a specific number for each of your law firm’s tasks (especially the main tasks), you are giving a clear and concrete goal of where they need to be by the end of the week.

Learn more about the art and science of delegation by downloading our Ultimate Delegation Guide. Download now

Who should you delegate tasks to your your law firm?


Don’t try to delegate everything at once in your law firm